The Sacred Ones are Calling You

In most spiritual traditions and cultures, the world over, there are chosen ones who are able to channel messages from the higher realms. These mystics have many names, and although they are considered elders – they are of all ages. They are the medicine carriers, the shamans, seers, and healers that bring insight and clarity to those when they need it most.

In times gone past, these special people often lived as hermits or in caves. These days healers are in plain clothing, living normal day-to-day lives but internally have a deep calling to live with purpose and to share light with the world.

There’s a good chance that you are one of them.

When I received the inspiration to create the Angels and Ancestors Oracle back in 2016, I was going through a time of deep personal study and transformation. I was inspired by many of the Earth based spiritualities of the world – and the fact that in all religions and cultures there are beings similarly described to what we call angels.

My vision was to create an oracle deck that supported all people feeling seen. I wanted to create that open-hearted feeling that comes to me when I am in the presence of angels – a feeling of unconditional love, protection and light.

I was blown away by the response to Angels and Ancestors Oracle – so many reached out to say how connected to the deck they felt and I even received a handwritten letter and talking stick from an Indigenous Rights Attorney for my intentions to honor and include as many traditions as possible through this oracle.

Since 2017, Angels and Ancestors Oracle has sold over 280,000 copies in English alone and is translated into French, Danish, German, Spanish and Portuguese to name a few. This oracle has a life of it’s own – I believe because of the potent medicine it carries to all those who are open to receiving it. 

Which brings me to YOU.

If you feel called to work with this deck – this is a sacred awakening.

Your angels and ancestors are calling upon you – they are here to guide you on your way, bring you messages of love, and support you experiencing more purpose in the world.

Through working with the Angels and Ancestors Oracle you will hone your gifts to channel messages for yourself but also become a visionary for your friends, family and if you want, your clients!



The first training of it's kind -- this powerful Certified course will teach you to become a seasoned professional at reading Angels and Ancestors Oracle cards.

Over the course of 8 introduction videos, 5 live workshops and 2 practice sessions you will:

Learn how to receive direct guidance from the Sacred Ones, a congregation of ancestors who are dedicated to healing the world through their lived experience.

the presence of the guardians -- the angels who bring forward sacred medicine that guides us to become a modern day seer.

messages hidden in the cards and focus your intuitive gifts that are gifts to share.





Here's what's included in the training:

  • 8 Intro videos to get you started working with the Angels and Ancestors Oracle deck and prepare you for our live calls.

  • 5 Live training sessions with Kyle covering all aspects of reading the Angels and Ancestors Oracle.

  • An exclusive manual to build a deeper connection with the cards in this deck.

  • Access to a private Facebook community to connect with other students participating in this training.

  • Access to 2 x Practice Sessions where you can build your reading skills with others.

  • Receive certification as an Angels and Ancestors Oracle reader!

Master the Cards

Over the course of 5 live interactive sessions you'll be taken on a journey through the Angels and Ancestors Oracle. Meet each of the Sacred Ones, connect with the Guardians and unlock the messages hidden in the Warrior Symbols.

Strengthen your Gifts

The key to receiving powerful insightful messages from the hidden realms is revealed through learning how to read for others. This entire course will not only teach you how to channel messages for others but also for yourself!

Become the Mystic you already are

You'll soon be giving clear cut intuitive readings with the support of the Angels and Ancestors Oracle. You'll be able to answer questions, channel insight and make predictions with confidence by the time you have completed this training.



Even though the Angels and Ancestors Oracle honors sacred imagery from the world over – the cards that you pick and the messages that they reveal will be directed to you from your own guides, guardians and ancestors.

This 55-card oracle deck will teach you to become a channel for the messages that your own angels, ancestors and spiritual guides are sending YOU.

Inside this oracle you'll see that most cultures are honored with images of Celtic, Aboriginal, Maori, Asian, South Asian, African, Native American and many more. These sacred ones are in place to help all feel supported and included by the oracle -- but the messages they represent will be guided to you directly from your personal lineage and the lineages of those you share readings with.



Kyle Gray is a spiritual teacher with a difference. With his down to Earth approach and hip style this modern spiritual guide brings an authentic and accessible approach to spirituality and living a high vibrational life.

As an intuitive, Kyle was recognised as the youngest medium in the UK when he was 16 and was a columnist in a national newspaper by 20! He has conducted over 16,000 private sessions and receives thousands of requests monthly.

Kyle is an international speaker and bestselling author of 8 books including the much loved ‘Angel Prayers’ and ‘Raise Your Vibration’ and the Wall Street Journal Bestseller ‘Angel Numbers’.

Kyle’s books and cards have been translated into many languages and currently have 140+ international publishing deals, allowing this sacred work to reach far and wide across the globe. 











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Angels & Ancestors Live Online Intensive


The Angels and Ancestors Live Online Intensive is an interactive training. Throughout every call you’ll be given opportunities to speak, share, ask questions and complete assignments. This classroom style training will invite several participants at a time to come on live and participate. 

During the workshop you’ll be encouraged to raise your hand if you’d like to participate and then may be selected to join the panel throughout specific lessons and demonstrations.

The entire training is centred around working with the Angels and Ancestors Oracle as a tool for personal spiritual growth and a gift that you can share with others through readings.

Here’s a breakdown of the class plan. All workshops will be recorded and can be watched at a later stage.


The Sacred Ones
th September 4pm UK
(3 Hour intensive)

This call will begin with an opening ceremony for you to welcome the presence of the Angels and Ancestors into your field before inviting them to activate your oracle so that it can be a bridge of communication between the realms.

The main focus of this call will be to introduce you to the 30 Sacred Ones that are within the Angels and Ancestors Oracle. One by one we’ll explore all the different energies and characters of these ancestor cards to help you explore their messages, meanings and for you to develop your own personal, intuitive connection with each of them.


The Guardians & Warrior Symbols 
29th September 4pm UK
(3 Hour intensive) 

During this interactive call we will meet and cover the remaining 25 cards of the Angels and Ancestors Oracle deck which includes the Guardians and the Warrior Symbols. You’ll learn about the powerful angelic forces that guide your readings and how the Warrior Symbols can help you unearth hidden messages that could be below the surface whenever you are doing readings.

These particular cards show information that can, at times, be predictive in nature ,with the Warrior Symbols revealing what is to come and how to know when that will be based on their unique timing capabilities.


Angels and Ancestors Oracle
Readings Masterclass 
26th and 27th October 2024
(4pm-7pm UK both days)

This entire weekend is going to be a masterclass in reading the Angels and Ancestors Oracle. Building on everything you have learned at the first intensive weekend; you’ll learn how to do a number of card spreads that will support you accessing divine guidance. The reading skills you will learn will help you get guidance for yourself or provide astounding readings to others. 

In this weekender you’ll learn how to:

- Create sacred space and tune in your energy for accurate readings.

- Work with positive language to create openness in your clients. 

-Accurately answer questions with the help of card spreads. 

-Understand oracle cards in their positions and reading them in context.

-Use a number of card spreads so that you have a selection of skills to read the past, present and even future.

-Use spreads to reveal past life information that can heal the present 

-Read for people in person and online

-And so much more


Angels and Ancestors Practice Sessions 
6th and 13th November 6pm UK
(90 min coaching calls)
During these optional practice sessions you have the opportunity to review any of the challenges that you may be having with any of the cards and spreads. This call will act as an open forum for you to ask Kyle any questions or concerns you may have about your readings. If you’ve missed a live call or are stuck with anything in particular, you can come to the session for extra support and guidance.

During these live calls we’ll be looking at sample readings and working together to interpret the cards and access the divine guidance that is being provided.

Channelling the Angels and Ancestors 
24th November 4pm UK
(3 hour intensive)

On this final workshop day, you’ll learn to blend all of the skills you have learned throughout this training with the power of your intuition. You’ll learn how to hone your intuition and how to work with the cards as a foundation for you to receive direct downloads from heaven. 

Throughout our time together you’ll learn how to craft your own style of doing readings including learning if you are more of an intuitive, psychic, medium or channel.  Learn how your spiritual gifts show up in readings and how being an amazing channel for others in fact opens you up to even more guidance for your own life and journey.

We’ll learn about the power of predictions, how the cards can read the outcome of a situation based on the current energies and how you can work with the cards to decide if you want the outcome to change or not.


If you decide this Intensive isn't right for you , let us know within the first 7-days for a full refund. No questions asked.

If you book your place between September 21st - 28th and once the training starts no refunds will be offered.











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